
The root canal tooth and the restoration of pre-existing root canals incogrue runs with the most modern instruments and mechanical utrasonico. The root canals are three-dimensionally shaped to seal perfectly and clogged up the root tip.

The Studio Dentistico Marchetti in the root treatment or endodontic retreatment are performed in the correct manner, always using the rubber dam as a tool for the achievement of success. A correct Endodontics is the basis for any maneuver restorative, conservative or prosthetic, of devitalized teeth.

Today, in fact you can not do or endodontics conservative dentistry without using a rubber dam, since the modern adhesive techniques are inhibited by the presence of saliva or a field operating moist or even wet, and it is impossible to obtain results in endodontics when there is an isolation of the operative field such that all the bacteria contained in the oral cavity do not remain outside the area in which it works.

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